Tip: Quickly find the tool you need

Save 5 minutes a day by using the built in Search-tool to quickly find the tool from ASAP Utilities that helps you.

"Easily find the tool that can help you"

You can't find the tool that you used previously? Or you don't know if a specific tool exists in ASAP Utilities?
Don't worry, our built-in search-tool will help you.

With this utility you can search in the names, descriptions and keywords of all available tools in ASAP Utilities.
You can also immediately run the utility from the results box by clicking the "Run"-button, click the ?-button to view the details and a screenshot (if available) on our website or click on the +-button to have the tool immediately added to your "Favorites & Shortcut keys" menu.

Just use the following tool:
ASAP Utilities » Find and run a utility...

Easily search, find and run the tools from ASAP Utilities

Bonus tips, also interesting

How much time will it save?

It's guaranteed that you'll save yourself time and effort by using this tool. However, the actual time saved depends on how much you use Excel and ASAP Utilities.
You can easily see how much time ASAP Utilities has saved you so far.


In case you don't have ASAP Utilities yet, you can download the free Home&Student edition (for home projects, schoolwork and use by charitable organizations) or the fully functional 90-day Business trial.
Download page