Soon to be released: version 4.2.8

asap-utilities-428-repeat-action.pngWhile I'm working on the next big updated version (4.3), a few people have found some bugs in version 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 that I've now fixed in version 4.2.8. More information and download of the pre-release: // Version 4.2.7 was released on September 3rd. However a newsletter hasn't been sent out yet. I plan on doing this this ...

Almost finished: ASAP Utilities version 4.2.6

BusyI'm almost finished with the updated version of ASAP Utilities: 4.2.6 Most changes in this version are corrections and bug fixes. More information and download: // We're also working on version 4.3 which will contain several improvements and a very big step forward (that I can' t reveal yet). This is consuming a great portion of our time, but ...

New ASAP Utilities version 4.2.2 released!

ASAP Utilities version 4.2.2 (January 22, 2008) has just been released! I would like to thank everybody for their feedback! Among other minor updates, these utilities have been improved: - Export » Export selected chart or range as image (file)... - Export » Export worksheets as separate files... - Import » Insert (delimited) text file... - Fill » List filenames in ...

Google Desktop Search slows down Excel

Google Desktop SearchDo you read the website "Daily Dose of Excel"? If not, it is a very interesting website about Excel. Frequently updated and many interesting discussions. Today I want to share an article with you: This week Dick Kusleika posted a very interesting article where he quoted Charles Williams from Charles Williams is an absolute expert in ...

Pre-release ASAP Utilities version 4.2.2 RC1

I have just released a pre-release of the new version of ASAP Utilities which contains several extended utilities (mainly import/export) and a few bug fixes. I would like to thank everybody for their feedback! New/improved Export » Export worksheets as separate files...Improved, you can now specify in which file-format you want to save the sheets.If you have Excel ...

Review: ASAP Utilities – You Sexy Thing

ASAP Utilities ReviewDid you know that ASAP Utilities is sexy? I didn't too but I found out it is yesterday when I read the following review on the UK website Dooyoo! by raehippychick. I would like to share her enthusiasm with you. Review by 'raehippychick' Advantages: Brilliant for any Excel user - simple, easy to use, saves time and tempers Disadvantages: ...

Pre-release ASAP Utilities version 4.2.1 RC3

Example of the function =asaprandompassword()I have just published a new pre-release of the new version of ASAP Utilities. It is ready for download and testing. In this update have made a few small improvements and added a new worksheet function that make creating strong passwords easy: =ASAPRandomPassword(length, use_symbols)This new function will return a strong password which contains of  - both uppercase ...