Prepare a document before sending it to others

When you send your Excel workbook to other people, sometimes you want to protect or hide certain parts. For example the formulas you used or temporary data in hidden columns. You can do this by using Excel's worksheet protection, however you should know that this protection is easily broken and not very secure. A better method to use ...

Weird looping through cells in a range object

Below is something that I experienced a while ago and was beyond my logic. Setting a range and looping through all cells in it didn't work initially as expected. Sub WeirdCelLooping()      Dim rngCel                                       As Range      Dim rngSelection                                 As Range      Range("A1:G10").Select      ' Doesn't work correctly:      For Each rngCel In Selection.Columns(1)            ' both rngCel and the selection have now the same address            Debug.Print rngCel.Address & " ...

Google Desktop Search slows down Excel

Google Desktop SearchDo you read the website "Daily Dose of Excel"? If not, it is a very interesting website about Excel. Frequently updated and many interesting discussions. Today I want to share an article with you: This week Dick Kusleika posted a very interesting article where he quoted Charles Williams from Charles Williams is an absolute expert in ...

Fix the slow startup of Excel 2007

Excel 2007 Splash Screen

Recently I have been receiving a few emails about people telling me that their Excel 2007 would startup very slowly with ASAP Utilities installed. The delay also occurred without ASAP Utilities if they click on an Excel file from within the Explorer: If I click on an xls file Excel opens with a blank window which delays... If ...

Range.Value = Range.Value, isn't it?

There are several ways to copy information from one sheet to another. Today I discovered an inconsistancy while using something similar like the following code: Sheet1.Range("A1:A100").Value = Sheet2.Range("A1:A100").Value The above code does not work correctly if the cells in sheet 2 are formatted in currency- or accounting format. In that case Excel does not copy the original ...

Remove all rules in Outlook at once

Today my Outlook was messed up a bit and several rules didn't work correctly any more. I had a good backup but I found out that if I imported the rules-backup, the original rules were not replaced but instead the imported rules were added to the list. So you need to remove all all ...

Help, my columns are displayed backwards

View current sheet right-to-left: OffJust got a question that migh be interesting to show here about columns that are displayed backwards. The columns are in reverse alphabetical order and start at the upper right hand corner. The row numbers are on the right side of excel instead of the left. The Problem: Recently, when I opened Excel, the columns ...

Tip: Insert multiple rows at once

tip_insert_multiple_rows_by_hand.gifInserting multiple rows "the Excel way" If you want to insert multiple rows at once the standard procedure is to first select multiple rows and then use the "Insert" command. For example if you want to insert 10 rows between A1 and A2, you first have to select rows 2:11 and then insert the rows. Inserting multiple rows ...

Screenshots of the different Excel versions

I have always wondered how Excel looks in other countries. In my office we use both the international and the Dutch version(s) of Excel. Today I have created a new page on the main website displaying screenshots of the various Excel versions in different countries. At this moment only international and Dutch ranging from Excel 97 ...