Method 'Add' of object 'CommandbarControls' failed

Recently a few people reported an error when they start Excel with ASAP Utilities. In some cases it's been working okay for years and then suddenly this error popped-up. It could be caused by an old version of ASAP Utilities when the location of the favorites menu could not be found or was not properly set. In that case you have to upgrade to at least version 3.10. But it might also have to do something with Excel itsself. It could be a corrupt or bloated toolbar file.

Here's what I got from Ron de Bruin (via

Often this is a corrupt or bloated toolbar file. A *normal* size is < 30 kb. The .xlb file has all Toolbar customization in it.

You can try the following:

Close Excel

Do a search for .xlb in windows
Rename the file you find, e.g. rename the .xlb to .bac (my file is named Excel10.xlb in 2002, Excel11.xlb in 2003)
If you make your own toolbars or add buttons to the others this file is important (backup it so you can restore it)
Deleting the file or renaming will do no harm on your system, Excel will automaticly create a new one for you.
(However you lost your customization remember that)

Start Excel

I've got reported back from several people that this did the trick

Error upon install

"ERROR# - 2147467259 Method 'OnAction' of object CommandBarButton failed assign a procedure to this menu item-line"

If you get the error message upon install it might help to just click away the error, close excel, restart en then add ASAP Utilities as add-in:

  1. Run Microsoft Excel
  2. On the tools menu, choose Add-Ins.
  3. Use the "Browse..." button to locate the ASAP Utilities.xla file (default is C:\Program Files\ASAP Utilities\)
  4. If Excel asks you to copy the file to the library folder, answer "no".
  5. Check the "ASAP Utilities" check box.
  6. Next to "Help" in the menu, there is an option called "ASAP Utilities".


Ramon Santoyo-Lugo

My 2007 version of Excel displays the " Method 'Add of abject ……." run time error" when I open it.
Click END and it works OK.
Nevertheless, I would like to get rid of it
Is there other way to do it, besides the .xlb method, because I searched for .xlb in Windows Vista with no results.
Thank you



Is it possible that this error occurs due to security settings? I'm experiencing a similar issue. It works fine when logging in as Administrator but I get this error if I log in as a different user.

It is office 2003 and the user is assigned to the Adminstrator Security Group.
