We just released the pre-release of the new version of ASAP Utilities (4.6.4).
One of the new utilities, is a tool to automatically subscript the numbers in chemical equations:
We got the suggestion to make this from Ryan:
First I'd like to tell you how much I love ASAP utilities, I am doing a Masters degree in science and use your program all the time to help me with my data. I was wondering about a feature, I couldn't find it specifically and if it doesn't exist yet I'd love to see it added. It has to do with chemical equations and subscripting numbers. I would like to be able to subscript all the numbers in selected cells, for example HC14O12OHO2 and then subscript all of the numbers at once. I found a feature that will subscript, but only the last letter in the cell.
So, a new utility is born: "Subscript the numbers in chemical equations" because we thing that many more people can benefit from this and I could have used it myself years back when I was still a student.
You can start this new utility via: via: ASAP Utilities Options » New tools in development (English only) and then choose "Subscript the numbers in chemical equations" and press the OK button.
This new utility will subscript the numbers in chemical notations such as Al(OH)3, AlF6Li3, AlO2, Al(NO3)3, Au2(SeO4)3, Ca(VO4)2, H6TeO6, KAlMg3Si3O12H2, Ca(NO3)2 · 4H2O, etc.
It automatically detects which numbers should be made subscript in the selected cells.
Like most of our tools this utility also has an undo.