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Important update ASAP Utilities for Excel 97

Date: October 17, 2006

I've recently discovered a serious bug in ASAP Utilties 3.10d for Excel 97 (thank you John). I recommend everybody who is currently using version 3.10d to download and install the new version 3.10E.

The ASAP Utilities menu was not properly removed when Excel was closed. This bug in version 3.10d resulted, especially in Excel 97 in an ever increasing toolbar file (xlb). This bug does not apply to version 4.0.

My apologies for the inconvenience.

The .xlb file has all Toolbar customization in it. A toolbar file that is too large can cause problems in Excel and might cause a slow startup of Excel. A "normal" size is < 30 kb.
The .xlb file has all Toolbar customization in it.
If you believe Excel is not behaving the way it should, you can try the following:
  1. Close Excel Do a search for .xlb in windows
  2. Rename the file you find, e.g. rename the .xlb to .bac (my file is named  Excel10.xlb in 2002, Excel11.xlb in 2003)
  3. If you make your own toolbars or add buttons to the others this file is 
    important (backup it so you can restore it)
  4. Deleting the file or renaming will do no harm on your system, Excel will  automaticly create a new one for you. (However you lost your customization remember that)
  5. Start Excel

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