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ASAP Utilities 3.07b available - compile errors gone

Date: May 7, 2004

Version 3.07b is ready. The compile errors that appeared on some computers with Excel 97 are gone. We've also used this to add a few extra functions.

Click here to go to the download page.

Bug fixes:                                     -----?
- Compile errors in hidden modules in Excel 97 fixed.

New features:                                  -----?

- Text - Remove ending carriage returns (alt+enter)

- Options - Dialog expanded with "contact information". If you encounter problems and need to contact us, please provide the information in this dialog. It will tell us information about your operating system and excel version, language settings and the installation path of ASAP Utilities.

- Favorites menu - option to reset to default settings.
  These are the tools that used to have built-in  shortcut-keys.


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