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Change formula reference style (e.g. A1 to $A1 etc.)...

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Formulas  ›  6. Change formula reference style (e.g. A1 to $A1 etc.)...

This utility will change the formula reference style in the formulas you your selected cells.

You can change the reference style to:
  • Relative referencing (A1)
  • Relative rows and absolute columns ($A1)
  • Absolute rows and relative columns (A$1)
  • Absolute referencing ($A$1)

    For example a cell with the formula '=A1*(B12/100)' changed to absolute referencing becomes '=$A$1*($B$12/100)'.

    The advantage of this utility is that you can quickly change the reference style in multiple formulas at once.


    Formulas  ›  6 Change formula reference style (e.g. A1 to $A1 etc.)...

    Starting this tool

    Formulas  ›  6 Change formula reference style (e.g. A1 to $A1 etc.)...
    Additional keywords for this tool:
    relative, absolute, references

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