How to uninstall ASAP UtilitiesNote for installations with multiple usersIf other users on the same computer used ASAP Utilities too, you will have to manually remove ASAP Utilities from their list of Excel add-ins. This is something that can only be automated for the user that runs the uninstall due to the design/restrictions of MS Windows. In such a case the user has to follow step 4 till 7 of the manual uninstall.Automatic uninstall #2As an alternative you can also use the following method to uninstall ASAP Utilities.
Manual uninstallAnother way is to manually remove ASAP Utilities 8 but we recommend the automatic uninstall.
Temporarily deactivating ASAP UtilitiesIf you temporarily want ASAP Utilities not to start up at the same time as Excel, you can disable that and load ASAP Utilities manually if necessary.You can either uncheck ASAP Utilities manually from the add-ins list in Excel, or you can simply run the program "Remove_ASAP_Utilities_from_the_Excel_menu.exe" which is located in the ASAP Utilities program files folder. This tiny program will automatically remove ASAP Utilities from the Excel menu/deactivate it as add-in in Excel, for the Windows user accounts that runs this program and does not require admin-rights to run. ![]() | ||
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