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“Smart tools that speed up your workflow in Excel!”

Excel with ASAP Utilities in it's menu

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Trusted daily by over 27,000 organizations

Over the past 26 years, our customer base has grown to 27,000+ organizations in over 140 countries.

Quickly Save Hours

Simple and practical examples of how ASAP Utilities saves you hours of time in Excel.

Reviews from the press and media

Throughout the years we have collected several articles from magazines, websites, radio shows and newspapers that have reviewed ASAP Utilities.

ASAP Utilities won the "Best Microsoft Excel Add-in" Award at the Global Excel Summit 2025 in London.

Exciting news from London!
A few hours ago ASAP Utilities won the "Best Microsoft Excel Add-in" Award at the Global Excel Summit 2025!

A huge thank you to everyone who nominated us and voted!
And a big thank you to the Global Excel Summit for this great event and for bringing us all together.

We love Excel!

And from the start, we've wanted to help as many Excel users as possible.
Excel is fantastic, but sometimes… it makes you work harder than you should.
That's where ASAP Utilities comes in. And yes, the name fits because who doesn't want things done As Soon As Possible?

ASAP Utilities helps you work smarter, save time, and do things Excel alone can not.
And since it is available in ten languages, you can use it in the language that works best for you.
With hundreds of tools, there's something for everyone.

We sincerely thank all our users for their feedback, support, and suggestions over the past 26 years. You have helped shape ASAP Utilities into what it is today.

And a special thanks to everyone who shared their enthusiasm on social media and voted for us these past months! We couldn't have done it without you!

This award is an incredible compliment for all the years of hard work we have put into ASAP Utilities.

Thank you!

ASAP Utilities wins the


Winner Best Microsoft Excel Add-in 2025

PC World: "This Add-In is a real treasure"

We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities is mentioned in PC World's article from September 2018 about their favorite Excel Add-Ins:

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groovyPost: "you might wonder, how you ever worked without it"

We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities is mentioned in groovyPost's article from December 2016 "10 Free Add-ins For Microsoft Office that Improve Productivity".

If you thought Excel was powerful as it is, then after using ASAP Utilities, you might wonder, how you ever worked without it.

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ComputerBild Germany: Doping for Excel ... This will save you much time

We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities is featured in the May 2013 edition of the German magazine ComputerBild (Europe's largest PC and mobile phone-magazine).
ComputerBild - ASAP Utilities - Doping for Excel
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Gizmo's freeware: This $49 Excel Add-In Is Still Available Free. And It's Better Than Ever.

e're proud too tell you that ASAP Utilities was reviewed and recommended (again) by Gizmo's Freeware website today.

Review by Gizmo' Freeware: This $49 Excel Add-In Is Still Available Free. And It's Better Than Ever.

This $49 Excel Add-In Is Still Available Free. And It's Better Than Ever.

More than a year ago, I wrote about a great collection of add-utilities for Excel.  Since then, the program has continued to improve.  It now has more than 200,000 users in 90 countries, and boasts more than 300 new features which it adds to all versions of Excel from 2000 to 2010.  The most recent update to the system was just last week.

The program is called the ASAP Utilities.  As you can see from the screen shot below, all of its features are handily grouped together on a ribbon menu, and the dropdown shows just how feature-packed this program is.

If you use Excel, at whatever level, give this program a try.  It really does promise to make your life a whole lot easier.  It's an 8 MB download from http://www.asap-utilities.com/ and VirusTotal reports it as free of malware and viruses.  

ASAP Utilities costs $49 if you use it for commercial purposes.  But for home, student and charity use, it's free ot charge.


PC Magazine Netherlands: Ultimate free extra for Microsoft Excel

We're proud to mention that the free ASAP Utilities Home&Student edition is featured in the October 2011 edition of the Dutch PC Magazine in an article about apps (addins) for Microsoft Office.

English Translation: "Ultimate free extra for Microsoft Excel, adds value for virtually every action for the experienced spreadsheet user. Also available in Dutch."

ASAP Utilities in PC Magazine 150 NL October 2011

Dutch: "Ultieme gratis extra voor Microsoft Excel, die voor vrijwel elke handeling meerwaarde toevoegt voor de ervaren spreadsheetgebruiker. Ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar".

PC World: "The ASAP selection tools alone are enough to turn any Excel power user into an ASAP Utilities addict."

We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities is among today's picks in the PC World daily downloads newsletter.
This way much more people get to know about our the benefits of ASAP Utilities. Work will be finished much quicker, no more overtime and everybody will be home in time to celebrate the holidays with family and friends!
PC World - Daily Downloads: Supercharge Office
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C't: "..work becomes easier and faster in the future."

C't - magazin für computer technik, edition 11, 10.5.2010C't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their May edition this year they have made a selection of the best tools for office. We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities was one of the mentioned add-ins for excel.

C't: Let's be honest: No one likes to sit long behind a desk. Bills, bankstatements, correspondence with authorities and all the other trivia are no fun at all. With the Office programs on the Cover-DVD, this work becomes easier and faster in the future.

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Review in COMPUTER ΓΙΑ ΟΛΟΥΣ (Computer For Everyone): "You will certainly be amazed with ASAP Utilities"

This month, ASAP Utilities is reviewed in the Greek computer magazine COMPUTER ΓΙΑ ΟΛΟΥΣ (Computer For Everyone) and included on the DVD.
We’re proud to see what they have written about ASAP Utilities.

The review from Greek to English translated

If you use Microsoft Excel, then you will certainly be amazed with ASAP Utilities. This is an add-on application, which supplements the functions you would like to have in Excel, but do not find there.
Created first in 1999 and for ten years continuously developed. By installing, it creates a new menu in the menu bar in earlier versions of Excel or a new tab in the Ribbon in Excel 2007. There are numerous (over 300) features, which expand the repertoire of Excel. The name is an acronym of the words As Soon As Possible and as stated, the purpose is to advance the work of the user.
It contains simple and complex functions, which enriches continuously using the feedback obtained from numerous users. Certainly if you start using it, you will discover with time that it has functions that help you tremendously.

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Review in PC-WELT: The smartest Office-Addons

Cover of computer magazine PC Welt 3/09This March the German computer magazine PC WELT has an item on add-ins for Word and Excel. They call it the Microsoft Office Service Pack 2009 ;-)
We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities was listed as one of the addons; on page 49 and 50. The article has also been published on the German version of Microsoft's MSN.com website.

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VitaminCM: "Become an Overnight Excel Genius"

Logo VitaminCMIn april 2008 the website VitaminCM published a series of articles "Getting the Most Out of Your Applications". In part 6, ASAP Utilities was reviewed.

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Review by ZD Net Netherlands and Belgium: A great labour-saver

Logo ZD NetIn November ASAP Utilities 4.2.1 was reviewed by ZD Net (Netherlands and Belgium) by Rowald Pruyn. ZDNet.be and ZDNet.nl are two of the best visited and appreciated ICT-websites in Belgium and The Netherlands.

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Review by Dutch computer magazine C't, april 2007

ctNL0704-web-cover-small.gifIn april ASAP Utilities was reviewed by the Dutch computer magazine C't. They wrote an article about several additions for Microsoft Office. ASAP Utilities was one of the add-ins for Excel they mentioned.

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PCtipp: Obercooles Programm - Excel-ABC: 29 Tipps

pctipp_cover_2006_06.gifLast month the Swiss computer magazine PCtipp wrote an article with 29 useful tips for Excel.
ASAP Utilities was one of their tips. They gave it a great title: Obercooles Programm!

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The Great Software List highest rating

ASAP Utilities was rated 5 stars on The Great Software ListSince several months ASAP Utilities is listed on The Great Software List. I'm proud, especially when I read their selection criteria.

The Great Software List is an advocate of great software and ignores mediocre software. It is composed of high quality programs that share most or all of the following features:

(1) Ease of use based on a well-designed user interface;
(2) A generous array of keyboard shortcuts (preferably customizable);
(3) Customizability where applicable; and
(4) Affordability.

Lifehacker: Download of the Day: ASAP Utilities

ASAP Utilities featured as download of the day on Lifehacker.comWe're proud to mention that yesterday ASAP Utilities has been reviewed by Lifehacker.com and made download of the day!

ASAP Utilities gives the user over 300 different Excel utilities and shortcuts to choose from, from Vision Control to Objects.

Not being a power Excel user, I'm sure I wasn't able to really tweak this utility to its full potential; however, from what I was able to do with it, I was very impressed. Instead of wasting two hours on, say, trying to figure out how to copy a few formulas without changing their references, you can just use the ASAP Utilities drop-down Range function. ASAP Utilities is a free download, Windows only.

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Full page review of ASAP Utilities in PC tipp Switserland

PC Tipp Switserland february 2006In the february 2006 edition of the Swiss magazine PC tipp and article described several add-ins for MS Office: "Office aufgemotzt".

We are proud (very proud!) to see a full page was dedicated to ASAP Utilities. Several of the most used utilities were described. 

Their conclusion: "Kurz: Wenns in Excel etwas gibt, das Sie nervt, st?bern Sie doch mal in den ASAP-Men?s. Fast w?rden wir wetten, dass dort die L?sung f?r Ihr Problem drinsteckt.". Which is someway in English: "In short: When something is bothering in Excel for, take the time to look in the ASAP Utilities menu. We're almost certain the solution for your problem is there."

The full article is available on their website:

For those new to ASAP Utilities we higly recommend the User Guide, especially chapter 6 which lists comment problems and a description how ASAP Utilities can easily help you to solve these problems.

PC Magazine's 14th Annual Utility Superguide: 5 stars for ASAP Utilities

PC Magazine has recently published it's 14th Annual Utility Superguide.

We're proud to let you know ASAP Utilities (3.11 beta) has received the PC Magazine 5 Stars Rating (the maximum rating). The judgment is done by a panel of PC Magazine editors, and leading industry experts.

The full article is available on their website::
pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936196,00.asp (no longer available)

The full 14th Annual Utility Superguide:
www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1936083,00.asp (no longer available)

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Productivity Portfolio: ASAP Utilities Provides Excel Users Power and Flexibility

Productivity Portfolio ...linking technology and productivity for Windows usersASAP Utilities has been reviewed by Productivity Portfolio a website about productivity and how to use certain tools.

ASAP Utilities Provides Excel Users Power and Flexibility
Excel is one of the pillars of Microsoft Office. Despite being feature-rich, there are some tasks that are either cumbersome to perform or are buried in the program. That shouldn't stop you from using Excel, as there are some third party tools that nicely complement the program. One example is the free add-in from Bastien Mensink called ASAP Utilities that provides easy access to over 300 utilities.

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Kim Komando 'You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.'

kim-komando-coolsite_05.gifASAP Utilities is being featured in The Kim Komando Show Cool Site of the Day on August 8, 2005.

Kim Komando hosts the largest talk radio show about computers and the Internet. The program is heard on over 450 stations throughout the United States. Kim Komando's newsletter has hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Tweak Excel

2005-08-08 | I've used Excel, Microsoft's spreadsheet program, for many years. But sometimes it's not the easiest program to get your arms around. I bet that many business people are probably in the same boat.

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PC Magazine: 'This is the one essential add-in for all Excel users.'

PC Magazine - The Ultimate Utility GuidePC Magazine has recently published it's 2005 Ultimate Utility Guide.

We're proud to let you know ASAP Utilities (3.08) has received the PC Magazine 5 Stars Rating, which is selected by a panel of PC Magazine editors, and leading industry experts.

Read the full article:
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1809682,00.asp (no longer available)

The full article via Wayback Archive:

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Review in The Office Letter: ASAP Utilities is packed with time savers

The Office LetterThis week The Office Letter wrote a review about ASAP Utilities.

Every week, they offer tips, tricks, and techniques for Microsoft Office. Learn shortcuts, explore application features, and boost your productivity with hands-on how-to's for Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and the rest of the Office suite.

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PCM: 'No one can do without the ASAP-Utilities'

PCM is an well read dutch computer magazine. This month they have published an article about extra's for Office. One of the programs for Excel that is discussed is ASAP Utilities. In their conclusion ASAP is one of their favorites.


'Een van de beste en meest complete verzameling extra's voor Excel komt van eigen bodem en is nog gratis ook. Met ASAP Utilities krijgt u in één klap ruim driehonderd handige nieuwe functies in Excel. Snel cellen formatteren, reeksen getallen omrekenen, bepaalde types invoer wissen, met ASAP gaat het snel en makkelijk. U zult nooit meer zonder kunnen.'

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PCM: 'Even more impressive is ASAP-Utilities...'

PCM-april-2005-cover.jpgPCM is an well read dutch computer magazine. This month they have published an article about extra tools for Internet Explorer, Outlook and Office. One of the software tools for Excel that is discussed is ASAP Utilities.


'... Nog indrukwekkender zijn de ASAP Utilities: die bevatten namelijk zo'n driehonderd tooltjes, zijn van Nederlandse origine én... geheel gratis. De installatie geschiedt zo goed als volautomatisch. Via een extra menuknop heeft u vervolgens meteen toegang tot alle extra functies. Een paar voorbeeldjes: afdrukken in batch, geselecteerde cellen omwisselen, hyperlinks verwijderen, et cetera.'

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Wintotal: Download of the week / download der woche


ASAP Utilities is featured as 'download of the week' on the German website WinTotal, a windows-portal.

Die ASAP-Utilities erweitern Excel 2000 aufwärts um über 300 Funktionen, die man sonst nur mühsam selbst oder über Macros erstellen müsste. Die Funktionssuite blendet sich übersichtlich und nach Funktion sortiert in die Menüleiste von Excel ein.

So können Sie die Sprache der ASAP Utilities zwischen "Englisch" und "Deutsch" wechseln.


Computer Idee: 'ASAP Utilities makes the life of every Excel-user easier'

Computer Idee is an easy-to-understand dutch computer magazine.

Computer IdeeComputer Idee:

'U vindt in uw lijfblad regelmatig workshops waarmee u in Excel prachtige dingen kunt maken. Vaak wel een hoop werk, maar de moeite waard! Een deel van dat werk kunt u zich besparen dankzij de tip van Martin van Dam. Hij wees ons namelijk op ASAP Utilities, een schitterende verzameling van enkele honderden macro's voor alle Excel-versies vanaf '97. Een macro is een verzameling handelingen die u met één muisklik kunt uitvoeren en dat levert natuurlijk volop tijdswinst op.

ASAP Utilities bevat functies op allerlei gebied: zoals het opmaken en converteren van cellen en snel verwijderen van bepaalde objecten. Deze verzameling hulpjes is dan ook een must voor elke Excel-gebruiker.'

The Courier-Mail: ASAP saves time [28feb04]

The Courier-Mail: ASAP saves time [28feb04]Terry OConnor - It's been claimed that the most widely used database program in the world isn't a database program - it's Microsoft Excel.

That might even be true because Excel is so powerful and so flexible that countless people use it for record-keeping and address books.

But Excel's power means myriad functions and they're not always easy to find or use. Which is where add-ons such as ASAP Utilities come in.

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C't: 'Office improved'

C't magazin f?r computer technikC't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their third edition this year they have made a selection of the best tools for Word & Co. ASAP Utilities was one of the three best add-ins for excel.

Jewel of the day, 300 free extras for Excel / 300 gratis tillegg til Excel

Digi.no has reviewed ASAP Utilities before, a bundle of smart extras for Excel. ASAP is still exanding and now has over 300 functions. The option to desect cells and a number of advanced select functions are only a few of the features.

Av Einar Ryvarden - Oslo - Her er en tilleggspakke til Microsoft Excel som gir 300 nye funksjoner.

Digi.no har tidligere omtalt ASAP Utilities, en samling med smarte tillegg til Excel. ASAP utvides stadig og er n? kommet opp i 300 nye funksjoner. Muligheten til ? velge bort enkeltceller n?r du har valgt store blokker med musen og en rekke avanserte s?kefunksjoner er noen av mulighetene.

Lenke til dagens nettjuv?l: ASAP Utilities

http://www.digi.no/php/art.php?id=96102&f=katnav (link no longer works)

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Download of the week / download der woche


ASAP Utilities is featured as 'download of the week' on the German website WinTotal, a windows-portal.

Die ASAP-Utilities erweitern Excel 97/2000/2002 um über 300 Funktionen, die man sonst nur mühsam selbst oder über Marcos erstellen musste. Die Funktionssuite blendet sich übersichtlich und nach Funktion sortiert in die Menüleiste von Excel ein.


C't: 'Once you've installed ASAP you would hardly want to do without it.'

C't magazin f?r computer technikC't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their edition 18 they have reviewed several add-ins for Word and Excel. Besides the documentation, which is limited, the review was very positive!

Lockergnome: 'If you're not an Excel powerhouse right now, ASAP Utilities can transform you into one overnight.'

Click to visit Lockergnome.comIn july 2002 Lockergnome, a big free technology e-mail newsletter, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities in their newsletter and on their website:

'My favorite Excel add-in has seen some nice improvements since the last mention. New functions include a very handy and flexible text-to-date converter, a randomizer function, undo capability for a few existing tools and an interesting conditional cell selection routine. Spreadsheet users will not want to be without this, trust me. If you're not an Excel powerhouse right now, ASAP Utilities can transform you into one overnight. I love this thing, and I don't even use spreadsheets all that often.'

http://channels.lockergnome.com/it/backissues/20020709.phtml (link no longer available)

Dagens nettjuvel: Gratis forbedring av Excel

Av Einar Ryvarden - Oslo - Her er et omfattende gratis-tillegg til Microsoft Excel som gir deg 300 nye funksjoner og muligheter.

ASAP Utilities er et tillegg til Excel 97, 2000 og XP som gir deg en lang rekke nyttig funksjoner og muligheter. Et eksempel er ? kunne velge alle celler med bestemte verdier (fks. st?rre enn 12) eller som har r?de tekst eller bakgrunn.


Lockergnone: 'You'll wonder how you lived in Excel without it, I swear!'

Click to visit Lockergnome.comIn october 2001 Lockergnome, a big free technology e-mail newsletter, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities in their newsletter and on their website:

'Many of you liked the ASAP Utilities for Excel featured some time back in the Tech Specialist, so when the author mentioned his new version was available, I figured you'd want to know. The gaggle of tools included most definitely make Excel easier to use all the way around. It simplifies some rather complex tasks into short operations, saving you plenty of time better suited to hanging out eating bagels with your co-workers. You'll wonder how you lived in Excel without it, I swear!'


PC Plus: "It's worth having these utilities even if you only use a few of them"

Users of Excel 97 and 2000 may like to download ASAP Utilities from www.asap-utilities.com. This free add-in gives you 200 extra tools for Excel, or 300 in the beta of the new version. It's worth having even if you only use a few of them.

Chip Pearson: 'This is truly one of the best and most useful add-ins I've ever used.'

Click to visit cpearson.comIn may 2001 Chip Pearson, one of the worlds leading Excel gurus, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities. ASAP Utilities is mentioned on his website as a "must have" add-in for Excel power users.

"Created by Bastien Mensink in the Netherlands, this is a fantastic collection of over 200 utilities, all very well organized into a menu structure added to the Excel menu bar. This is truly one of the best and most useful add-ins I've ever used."
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Lockergnome: ASAP Utilities will revolutionize the way you and your users interact with data

Click to visit Lockergnome.comIn april 2001 Lockergnome, a big free technology e-mail newsletter, wrote a review about ASAP Utilities in their newsletter and on their website:

'I recently featured a great Microsoft Excel site that provided all sorts of useful tips and tricks for mastering the spreadsheet, but it was quickly brought to its knees and remains unavailable, so I thought I owed you another great Excel feature. ASAP Utilities is a set of over 200 Excel 97/2000 add-ins that will revolutionize the way you and your users interact with data. Everything from formatting text and cells to handling sheets and selections is included and the installation is as simple as pointing the way to the add-in file (.XLA) included in the package.'


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🏆 Winner of the "Best Microsoft Excel Add-in" Award at the Global Excel Summit 2025 in London!
For over 26 years, ASAP Utilities has helped users worldwide save time and do what Excel alone cannot.