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The ASAP Utilities menu in Excel (English)

Excel with ASAP Utilities in its menu

Extract hyperlinks...

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Web  ›  4. Extract hyperlinks...

This utility extracts the hyperlink addresses from the selected cells and/or extracts them from all shapes on your worksheet.
You can choose to insert the address into the cell itself or in the column right next to the cell or shape.
The shape can be an autoshape, freeform, OLE object, or picture.

Your last used settings will be remembered.

You can also use the ASAP Utilities worksheet function =ASAPGETHYPERLINK() to read the hyperlink address from a cell.


Web  ›  4 Extract hyperlinks...

Starting this tool

Web  ›  4 Extract hyperlinks...
Additional keywords for this tool:
Decode all URL and HTML encoded text

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For over 26 years, ASAP Utilities has helped users worldwide save time and do what Excel alone cannot.