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Change Julian dates to normal dates

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Numbers & Dates  ›  16. Change Julian dates to normal dates

This tool will convert Julian dates to normal dates.

A Julian date is sometimes used in the computer industry to refer to a date format that is a combination of the current year and the number of days since the beginning of the year. For example, January 1, 2021 is represented as 2021001 and December 31, 2021 is represented as 2021365. Note that this format is not based on the Julian calendar.

Besides the yyddd and yyyyddd the JD Edwards (AS/400) cyyddd format is also supported by this tool. Their system adds a 0 or 1 in front of the year representing the century (0 = 1900, 1 = 2000, Jan 15, 1910 is 010015, Jan 15, 2010 is 110015).


Numbers & Dates  ›  16 Change Julian dates to normal dates

Starting this tool

Numbers & Dates  ›  16 Change Julian dates to normal dates
Additional keywords for this tool:
Julian calendar, day, year, chronology, Ordinal Date, the number of the day in a particular year, ISO8601:2000(E)
Convert/recognize dates...

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