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Date Picker...

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Numbers & Dates  ›  17. Date Picker...

The Date Picker popup simplifies selecting and inserting dates into your worksheet.
It displays a visual calendar, allowing you to quickly identify and select dates instead of having to type the date manually.
It is handy for quickly finding and entering dates accurately, without errors in format or value.

Benefits and Settings:
  • Browse by year and month to pick a date.
  • Select a date and it automatically inserts it into the active cell.
  • If a cell isn't formatted as a date, the Date Picker will insert the picked date and apply the short-date format according to your regional Windows setting.
  • The Date Picker popup "floats", so you can easily keep it visible and select the cells to insert a date.
  • You can enable the Date Picker to show automatically when double-clicking a date cell. It then appears when you double-click a cell with a date or date format.
  • You can choose to have the calendar view start with today's date (default), or the date of the selected cell.
  • You can choose the starting day of the week: Monday, Sunday, or Saturday.
  • The calendar shows (ISO) week numbers for easy identification.
  • Choose to close the form after date entry or move to the next cell.
  • Simply close the Date Picker by pressing the ESC-key or clicking the X in the title bar.


    Example screenshot: 1
    1, Numbers & Dates  ›  17 Date Picker...
    Example screenshot: 2
    2, Numbers & Dates  ›  17 Date Picker...
    Example screenshot: 3
    3, Numbers & Dates  ›  17 Date Picker...

    Starting this tool

    Numbers & Dates  ›  17 Date Picker...
    Additional keywords for this tool:
    drop-down, drop down, Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control

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