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The ASAP Utilities menu in Excel (English)

Excel with ASAP Utilities in its menu

Easily create a lot of folders based on the values in selected cells...

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File & System  ›  25. Easily create a lot of folders based on the values in selected cells...

This utility allows you to quickly create multiple folders, based on the cell contents.

The utility asks you to pick a folder. In this folder it will then create a new folder for each cell in your select and used the value in the cell for the foldername.


Example screenshot: 1 Create folders from cell values
1 Create folders from cell values
Example screenshot: 2 Create folders and subfolders by using the backslash character in the cells
2 Create folders and subfolders by using the backslash character in the cells

Starting this tool

File & System  ›  25 Easily create a lot of folders based on the values in selected cells...
Additional keywords for this tool:
Directory, dir, path
Create a list of filenames and properties in a folder...

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