Excel tip: Insert filename in a cellDate: 6 february 2002The following formulas will include the filename, filepath, of filepath and name in a cell in your workbook. If you've installed ASAP Utilities, you already have these formulas. Just type one of the formula names, i.e. "=ASAPFileName()" in a cell. Copy-paste friendly code: Public Function ASAPFullFileName() As String
' returns the path and file name ' for example D:\Projects\testfile.xls ASAPFullFileName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName End Function Public Function ASAPFileName() As String ' returns the file name without its path ' for example testfile.xls ASAPFileName = ActiveWorkbook.Name End Function Public Function ASAPFilePath() As String ' returns the path without the file name ' for example D:\Projects ASAPFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path End Function If you have the international version of Excel you can also use the following worksheet function: =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1),1)-1),"[","") Chip Pearson has written some nice examples on his website about how to return a file name. « back | ||
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