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C't: "..work becomes easier and faster in the future."

Date review: October 11, 2010

C't - magazin für computer technik, edition 11, 10.5.2010C't is one of the most read computer magazines in Germany. In their May edition this year they have made a selection of the best tools for office. We're proud to mention that ASAP Utilities was one of the mentioned add-ins for excel.

C't: Let's be honest: No one likes to sit long behind a desk. Bills, bankstatements, correspondence with authorities and all the other trivia are no fun at all. With the Office programs on the Cover-DVD, this work becomes easier and faster in the future.

The ASAP Utilities part translated to English

ASAP Utilties adds more than 300 new tools and formulas to Microsoft's already extensive spreadsheet program.
One of the highlights is the Vision Control dialog, where you can easily set the appearance of all worksheets in a unified way.
In Excel 2007 and 2010 the well-organized Ribbon prives a quick access to the tools; in previous Excel versions the utilities are incorporated in the menu.
The program is free for peronal use, but you must upgrade to the newest version twice a year. Commercial users are not forced to upgrade after paying $ 49.

Original part about ASAP Utilities in German

Die ASAP-Utilities fügen Microsoft nicht gerade funktionsarmen Kalkulationsprogramm mehr als 300 neue Befehle und Rechenformeln hinzu.
Eines der Highlights ist der Vision-Control-Dialog, met dem man das Aussehen aller Arbeitsblätter einer Mappe vereinheitlicht. In Excel 2007 und 2010 sorgt ein übersichtlichtes Ribbon für schnelle Orientierun; in frühere Excel-Versionen integrieren sich die Utilities über ein Menü. Privatanwender können das Paket kostenlos nutzen, müssen allerdings zweimal im Jah auf die neueste Version umsteigen. Gewerblichen Anwendern bleibt das Zwangs-Update nach Zahlung von 49 US-Dollar erspart. (Ralf Nebelo)

ASAP Utilities mentioned in the German magazine C't in May 2010

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