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How to solve the setup error "MoveFile failed; code 2"

Published: May 11, 2021
reference id: QA0334


A few users, with a computer from HP, reported the following error and could not complete the installation of ASAP Utilities:
"An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
MoveFile failed; code 2.
The system cannot find the file specified."


We have been notified by a few users that HP Sure Sense can be the cause of this.

During the installation, HP Sure Sense removes or quarantines the mentioned file.


  • First, make sure that you have downloaded ASAP Utilities from our official website (asap-utilities.com) and you see the digital signature from our company (A Must in Every Office BV) when you start the installation.
  • HP has been notified of this issue in January 2021 and an update of their software might fix it.
    If they haven't fixed it yet, you may have to make an exception for ASAP Utilities in their software, as instructed in their user guide.
  • In case you experience this with other antivirus software, then please contact us, because ASAP Utilities is always malware and virus free.
    If you send us the name of the sofware and a screenshot of the false positive detection we can contact the manufacturer to report it as a false positive, so that they can correct it. False positives/false alarms are harmless files or URLs that are incorrectly identified as malicious by the antivirus program.
    At the same time, you may be able to un-quarantine the file from ASAP Utilities in your antivirus program and/or ad an exception to the white list.

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