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Answered Questions (FAQ)

If you have a question or experience a problem with ASAP Utilities then please verify if there is already an answer to your question or solution for you problem in our list of frequently answered questions.

Priority support for clients

If you can't find the answer on our website then please contact us.

Version history

A history of the various updates and improvements throughout the years

How it makes YOU rock in Excel

These short tutorials show you how to benefit from the tools in ASAP Utilities and are guaranteed to save you time and speed up your work in Excel.

User Guide

The ASAP Utilities User Guide is a practical manual that will show you how to get the best out of our excel add-in


How to (temporary) uninstall ASAP Utilities.

Bug report

If you have found a bug first make sure you are using the most recent version. If that is the case go to our bug-report page

Debug information

In some cases you will be asked by our support-team to turn on the debug-mode to help solve specific problems.


Links to interesting websites

Excel Books

The best books on Excel. Whether you want to learn Excel, write better formula's, learn how to use macros or write professionals applications in Excel these are the best books

Debug information for support

In certain situation we might ask you to turn on the "debug" mode in ASAP Utilities. This writes down certain actions in a log file and it will most likely help us to find the cause of the problem and find or create a solution quicker.

Methode 1: If you can start ASAP Utilities

Step 1: Turn the "debugger" on

If you can start ASAP Utilities, then you can do it from within the program itself.
In the Excel menu choose ASAP Utilities » ASAP Utilities Options » Settings, language and contact information...
Then choose the tab "debug" and turn on the option "Create a debugger log file in Windows Temp folder":
Create a debugger log file  in Windows Temp folder

Step 2: Restart Excel

Now close Excel and start it again.

Step 3: Do the action

Now perform the steps where the problem appears.

Step 4: Send us the information

If you can run ASAP Utilies then you can open the debug log file from within ASAP Utilities.

Method 2: If you can not start ASAP Utilities

Step 1: Turn the "debugger" on

Create a file named "debug.txt" in the folder where ASAP Utilities is installed.
By default this folder is "C:\Program Files\ASAP Utilities\" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\ASAP Utilities\".
You can also download a debug.txt file here (right-click and then choose "save target/link as").
Create a debug.txt named file

Step 2: Restart Excel

Now close Excel and start it again.

Step 3: Do the action

Now (try to) start ASAP Utilities. All the steps that are important during the startup will now be documented.

Step 4: Send us the debug log file

By default the debug log file is created in your Windows Temp folder.
You can quickly browse to this folder by choosing in Windows: Start > Run
(or hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press r)
and then enter "%TEMP%" (without the quotes) and pressing enter:

This will take you to the Windows Temp folder where the ASAP Utilities "asap-utilities-debug.txt" is stored:
(You might have to scroll a bit because your Temp folder usually contains many files from other programs and Windows itself)
The file 'asap-utilities-debug.txt' contains important information for us
Please send us the file "asap-utilities-debug.txt" as an attachement in an email (support@asap-utilities.com).
If it is the first time that you contact us about a certain problem, then please send a detailed description of the problem too. If the problem is related to certain workbooks only, then please send us an example workbook too which we can use to reproduce the problem.

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